Artist: tyDi Title: Hotel Rooms Label: Armada Musik Recordings Cat.#: Genre: Electronic Style: Chillout/ Vocal Release Date: 22-11-2013 Quality: 320 kbps / 44.1kHz / Joint Stereo Size: ~165 Mb
1. Gravity (feat. Carmen Keigans) 2. Chasing Nothing (feat. Luke Mansini) 3. Fire & Load (Stripped) [feat. Christina Novelli] 4. Before It Happens 5. So Close 6. Ashley's Theme 7. Qf15 8. Her Lullaby 9. Vanilla (feat. Tania Zygar) 10. Nightfall In Suburbia 11. Red & Black 12. Ariana 13. Let You Go 14. Interlude 15. I Like, You Like 16. Worlds Apart (feat. Audrey Gallagher) 17. Meet Me In Kyoto 18. A Picture Never Taken (feat. Kane) 19. Half of Everything 20. The Moment It Breaks (feat. Tania Zygar) 21. Look Closer 22. How Much Longer? 23. The Camera Doesn't Lie, but You Do 24. Confirmation Bias (feat. Kane) 25. Sophie's Theme
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