Steve Birch is one of our very first producers on JOOF recordings under both his Lucid dreamer guise and his real name. After experimenting with more commercial sounds for a few years on his own label, hes recently re-discovered his love for the underground. His Lucid dreamer eSleep walkers album released on JOOF in 2006 has become one of the all time classic albums that people still talk about today. Many comparing it to the likes of Human Blues work, a massive compliment. Label boss John 00 Fleming met with Steve and figured out a plan of action deciding to make this come back under the one name to keep things simple. Steve Birch returns, darker than every. Those forward thinking ideas are back giving a much needed refreshing take on the electronic scene. This album is truly mind-blowing, all the best bits of Lucid dreamer and Steve Birch combined into one massive musical explosion.
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