Time unravelled Bright and dark in shadow Crimson and able But hearts are so unstable
Oh if we could be By virtue of our beauty Shame unwritten But dark the stain has bitten
So light up Saturate My body a jewel Light up all the flames inside We fall from grace To follow the way our hearts Light up all the flames inside
I won't wear it I don't deserve it A crown of thorns A crown of thorns I won't wear it I don't deserve A crown of thorns A crown of thorns Take me with it A gentleness of spirit Only after We sense the soul departure Oh if we could be By virtue of our beauty Time unwritten but dark the stain has bitten
So light up Saturate My body a jewel Light up all the flames inside We fall from grace To follow the way our hearts Light up all the flames inside
I won't wear it I don't deserve it A crown of thorns A crown of thorns I won't wear it I don't deserve A crown of thorns A crown of thorns
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