Tracklist: 01. Niconé;Narra - Una Rosa Es Una Rosa 5:33 02. Miyagi - Arcadia 7:06 03. Rafael Cerato;Haptic - Clouds 7:59 04. Smash Tv - Who Will U Become 7:36 05. Umami - Seven Million Hour Drive 8:20 06. Marco Tegui;Night Vision - Summer Chants 6:14 07. Purple Kaiser - Spreeside 5:30 08. Cipy - Musanze 7:05 09. German Brigante - The Parents 6:11 10. Italoboyz;Blind Minded - Romanzo Tropicale 6:16 11. Kollektiv Ost - First Contact 5:54 12. Silicone Soul - Leaf 6:55
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