Style: Trance / Progressive DJ: Armin van Buuren Title: A State Of Trance 975 Date: 30-07-2020 Quality: 320 kbps Size: ~ 274 MB
[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:45) [00:45] 02. BT & Emma Hewitt - No Warning Lights (ALPHA 9 Remix) (04:00) [04:45] 03. Alex Sonata & TheRio - Nebula (03:52) [08:36] 04. Luke Bond Feat. Sarah de Warren - Satellites (02:30) [11:06] 05. HamzeH & O.B.M Notion - Our Destiny [FUTURE FAVORITE] (03:39) [14:46] 06. Armin van Buuren & Ruben de Ronde - Represents ASOT 975 & ASOT retrospective (02:27) [17:12] 07. Armin van Buuren & AVIRA - Illusion [TUNE OF THE WEEK] (03:10) [20:22] 08. ArtLec - Only Now [PROGRESSIVE PICK] (02:18) [22:40] 09. Tom Staar Feat. Leo Stannard - U + I (02:33) [25:13] 10. Binary Finary & Shadow Child - 1998 (Venus) (03:15) [28:29] 11. Armin van Buuren & Fatum vs. Armin van Buuren & Brennan Heart Feat. Andreas Moe - Punisher vs. All On Me (AvB MashUp) (03:13) [31:41] 12. Quantor - Jet (03:05) [34:47] 13. NWYR - Gamer [TRENDING TRACK] (03:01) [37:48] 14. Omnia - Escape The Night (03:09) [40:57] 15. Armin van Buuren - I Don't Own You (Witness45 Remix) (03:36) [44:34] 16. Ruben de Ronde Feat. Eke - Wanderlust (Eugenio Tokarev Remix) (04:14) [48:48] 17. Armin van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (Maddix Remix) (02:32) [51:20] 18. Armin van Buuren Feat. Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day (Dreamy Emotional Remix) (03:49) [55:09] 19. Armin van Buuren Speak - Service For Dreamers (Luigi From Argentina) (01:27) [56:35] 20. Major League - Wonder Where You Are (Vocal Mix) [SERVICE FOR DREAMERS] (03:55) [60:30] 21. Fabio XB & Linnea Schossow with Khrys Kloudz - Run The Sky (04:43) [65:13] 22. Darkness Falls - Absent Mind (04:44) [69:57] 23. Allen Belg - Another Day (03:45) [73:42] 24. D72 - Journey (03:49) [77:31] 25. Christina Novelli - I'm OK (Allen Watts Remix) (03:59) [81:30] 26. Way Out West - Earth (Orkidea Pure Progressive Remix) (02:54) [84:24] 27. Orkidea - Rebel Time (03:48) [88:12] 28. Paul Oakenfold Feat. Little Nikki - Only Us (Orkidea Pure Progressive Remix) (04:25) [92:37] 29. Deepsky - Cosmic Dancer (Orkidea Pure Progressive Remix) (04:29) [97:06] 30. Pink Bomb - Indica (Orkidea & Solarstone Pure Progressive Remix) (04:54) [102:00] 31. Ruben de Ronde Speak - Orkidea (Antti Tapio Hakanen LIVE at Radio Show) (02:47) [104:47] 32. Armin van Buuren pres. Rising Star Feat. Betsie Larkin - Safe Inside You (PureNRG Remix) (04:51) [109:38] 33. Ciaran McAuley Feat. Susana - Daring To Love (04:15) [113:53] 34. Driftmoon - High Tide (03:29) [117:22] 35. David Nimmo - Bipolar (03:56) [121:18] 36. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:22)
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