Style: Trance / Progressive DJ: Armin van Buuren Title: A State Of Trance 828 Date: 24-08-2017 Quality: 320 kbps Size: ~ 274 MB
[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:49) [00:49] 02. Jeremy Vancaulart & Assaf Feat. Diana Leah - Two Hundred (Stay With Me) (04:37) [05:25] 03. Gareth Emery & Standerwick Feat. Haliene - Saving Light (NWYR Remix) (03:27) [08:53] 04. Armin van Buuren & Ruben De Ronde - Represents ASOT 828 (00:29) [09:22] 05. Cosmic Gate & Eric Lumiere - Bigger Than We Are (02:41) [12:03] 06. Ruslan Radriges & Cathy Burton - Hearts To Entwine (03:22) [15:26] 07. Y'akoto - Fool Me Once (Steve Brian Bootleg) (02:41) [18:06] 08. Sound Quelle & Max Meyer Feat. Brandon Mignacca - Andromeda [PROGRESSIVE PICK] (03:59) [22:06] 09. Armin van Buuren Speak - Sander van Doorn (LIVE at Radio Show) (02:08) [24:13] 10. Purple Haze - Choir 1.0 (03:34) [27:47] 11. Gaia - Crossfire [FUTURE FAVORITE] (05:32) [33:19] 12. Fatum - Stained Glass (01:33) [34:53] 13. Ørjan Nilsen - Hi There Radio (03:13) [38:05] 14. Estiva - OXY (05:55) [44:00] 15. Avancada vs. Darius & Finlayn - Xplode (Grahham Bell & Yoel Lewis Remix) [TUNE OF THE WEEK] (02:43) [46:43] 16. Dëhasse - Get Ignited (02:50) [49:34] 17. Jake Terra Feat. KARRA - Before It All Began (Luke Bond Remix) (03:22) [52:56] 18. Beatsole - The Lunar Brook (03:13) [56:09] 19. Armin van Buuren Speak - Service For Dreamers (Jarrett & Gabriel From USA) (01:32) [57:41] 20. Aly & Fila vs. Jwaydan - Coming Home [SERVICE FOR DREAMERS] (03:02) [60:43] 21. JES - People Will Go (M.I.K.E. Push Remix) (06:07) [66:50] 22. The Thrillseekers vs. M.I.K.E. Push - Meraki (05:58) [72:47] 23. Paul Oakenfold - Dreamstate (M.I.K.E. Push Remix) (04:11) [76:58] 24. Armin van Buuren & Ruben De Ronde Speak - M.I.K.E. Push (LIVE at Radio Show) (01:59) [78:57] 25. WeareD - Live On Forever (03:20) [82:17] 26. RAM & Arctic Moon with Stine Grove - A Billion Stars Above (04:42) [86:59] 27. Jorn van Deynhoven - Rising High (03:51) [90:51] 28. Darren Styles Feat. Christina Novelli - Sun Is Rising (Ben Nicky Remix) [TRENDING TRACK] (05:24) [96:14] 29. Amir Hussain & Daniel Skyver Feat. Cari - Sahara (03:11) [99:25] 30. Mike van Fabio & Elles de Graaf - As Fears Go By (Matt Bukovski Club Remix) (02:50) [102:15] 31. Ben Gold - Pilot (Exis Remix) (03:07) [105:22] 32. Ferry Tayle & Franco Riccobaldi - Who Knew (04:28) [109:50] 33. Chris Schweizer - Rapture (02:30) [112:20] 34. Terry Ferminal vs. Mark Sherry - Walk Away (Gary Maguire Remix) (02:49) [115:09] 35. Simon Patterson - Spike (Vertical Mode Remix (05:22) [120:31] 36. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:24)
This week #ASOT828 with this week special guests @sandervandoorn and a guestmix by @MikePush plus @Yoellewis @estivamusic and @cosmicgate
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