Style: Trance / Progressive DJ: Armin van Buuren Title: A State Of Trance 625 Date: 08-08-2013 Quality: 256 kbps / 320 kbps Size: ~ 222 MB / 272 MB
[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (01:04) [01:04] 02. Dash Berlin feat. Christina Novelli - Jar of Hearts (05:29) [06:32] 03. Roddy Reynaert - Anhk (02:24) [08:56] 04. Andrew Bayer - Need Your Love (04:34) [13:30] 05. AWD - New Memories (03:36) [17:07] 06. Kyau & Albert - The One (03:14) [20:21] 07. Arisen Flame - Gladius (05:24) [25:45] 08. Omnia - Immersion [Tune of The Week] (04:52) [30:36] 09. Rex Mundi - Aureolo (05:26) [36:02] 10. Meridian - Turning Point (04:25) [40:27] 11. Armin van Buuren feat. Cindy Alma - Beautiful Life vs. Estiva- Teddybears (Armin van Buuren Mashup) (03:31) [43:58] 12. Store N Forward - Schnitzel (03:34) [47:33] 13. M.I.K.E. & York feat. Asheni - Across The Ocean (03:48) [51:21] 14. Nic Toms - Velvet (01:40) [53:01] 15. Faruk Sabanci - Nevada (05:06) [58:06] 16. Estiva - Dinosrums vs. Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb – I Don’t Deserve You (Armin van Buuren Mashup) (04:19) [62:25] 17. Matthew Dunne - Splint (03:47) [66:12] 18. Andy Blueman & Driftmoon feat. Dsharp - Exodus (04:00) [70:12] 19. Steve Brian & David Berkeley - Blood & The Wine (Suncatcher Remix) (04:13) [74:25] 20. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel’s Love (Andrew Rayel Aether Remix) (05:12) [79:37] 21. The Thrillseekers & YORK - Daydream (Will Atkinson Remix) (03:57) [83:35] 22. Andrew Rayel & Alexandre Bergheau - We Are Not Afraid of 138 (06:02) [89:37] 23. Simon O’Shine & Sergey Nevone - Apprehension[Future Favorite] (06:24) [96:01] 24. Armin van buuren - Who’s Afraid of 138? (Photographer Remix) (05:24) [101:25] 25. Rene Ablaze & Global Influence - Feel (04:38) [106:03] 26. Greg Downey - For You (04:38) [110:41] 27. Active Sight - Out of Our Lives (Manuel Le Saux Remix) (03:44) [114:25] 28. Matt Bukovski - Tesla (04:24) [118:49] 29. Lange feat. Skye - Drifting Away [ASOT Radio Classic] (02:33) [121:22] 30. A State of Trance - Outro (00:26)
OnLine ASOT 625
This week #ASOT 625 music by @omniamusic @GregDowney @storenforward @dashberlin @rexmundimusic @faruksabanci @andrewbayer #Trancefamily
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